Sleep is an essential part of everyone’s life. However, it can be difficult for some to get a good night’s sleep because of various reasons—stress, anxiety, chronic body pain, cardiovascular diseases, and many more. In this blog, we’ll reveal the truth about smart sleep technology.

Because of this, many people try to help themselves get a sound sleep through smart technology such as sleep applications, white noise gadgets, and ambient lighting.

But can these smart home items really help you get the sleep that your body needs? We don’t think so.

The science behind smart sleep technologysmart sleep technology

Smart sleep technology is a way to detect and track your sleeping pattern to help you get sound sleep. Contrary to popular belief, being “sleepless” doesn’t always literally mean having no sleep at all.

It could also mean having an unfair distribution of your rapid-eye-movement or REM sleep and deep sleep.

Some people can’t properly transition from REM sleep to deep sleep. This can make you feel exhausted, restless, and weak in the morning. This is what smart sleep technology is trying to address.

There are lots of ways smart sleep technology works.

For smartphone applications, usually track your heartbeat through your smartwatch.

Other gadgets like white noise and ambient lighting are programmed with the usual hours in which people transition from REM to deep sleep.

Smartphone apps and white noise usually help you get into your deep sleep through calming sounds such as white noise, ocean waves, raindrops, and other sounds that mimic the relaxing nature.

Ambient lighting usually comes as desk lamps which you can adjust depending on the brightness, color, and light patterns which you find the most relaxing.

As you doze into your deep sleep, the level of brightness of the light decreases.

Some people permanently install white noise gadgets and ambient lighting in their bedrooms without even knowing if they are effective.

Can these smart sleep technologies really help you sleep?                  smart sleep technology

The answer to this question is both yes and no. Smart technology can be effective to some but not for all.

If the cause of your difficulty in sleeping is a physical factor such as chronic body pains and cardiovascular diseases, you should address those ailments first.

This is because any smart sleep device will not give you sound sleep when you still feel the symptoms of your condition.

The overall ergonomics of your bed and your entire bedroom is an external physical factor to consider.

Aside from installing smart sleep technology, you should also make sure that your bed and pillows aren’t too soft or too hard, your room is adequately ventilated and well organized.

If you think you don’t achieve sound sleep at night because of psychological factors such as anxiety and stress, then smart sleep technology may aid you.

Studies show that white noise and ambient lighting help people achieve sound sleep at night by 40% by configuring their brain patterns.

The study is conducted with people who are free from any physical and health issues and stay in an ideal bedroom.

Medical advise is essential

The studies also apply to children and babies. So, if your kid has difficulty dozing off at night, a smart sleep device may be a good option.

In short, it’s highly recommended that you consult your doctor first about the cause of your difficulty in sleeping before installing a smart sleep device—whether it’s a white noise gadget or an ambient lighting device.  Smart Sleep Technology

Furthermore, it would be best if you also determine which smart sleep technology works best for you. Some people are comfortable with the hissing sound of white noise gadgets, while some find ambient lighting distracting at night.

You should try various kinds of smart sleep devices first before settling with one.

The good thing is that these smart sleep technologies can easily be installed in your bedroom.

Most of them work as desk devices, while some can be hung on your walls through trusty adhesive tapes.

Having difficulty sleeping? Smart sleep technology might be the answer! But just like any health and wellness technology, it’s best to consult your doctor first.

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